Friday 24 February 2012

Starting Up Again - Greg Awards

Next week is reading week and then there are only two more weeks until I get to start my placement. I have been given the opportunity to plan the Greg Awards (yes, another event!) and I couldn't be happier. The Greg Awards are the award ceremony for all students in Advertising - Integrated Marketing Communications at St. Lawrence College.

Already so many ideas are coming into my head on how I can make this award ceremony even better than the last. I am very grateful to have this opportunity so that I can add it to my list of event experience when I complete College. I believe that it is very important for me to get as much experience as I can while in College so that employers can see that I am qualified. I can't wait to get this event started!

Friday 17 February 2012

A Change in Routine

Today a very good friend of mine is coming to visit me from out of town. In a way we have opposite personalities but I think that is why we get along so well. I like to have everything planned and sorted out before I do anything. My friend is a little different, she is the type of person who would take a bus not knowing where its even going just to see where she would end up.

The reason why I enjoy our friendship so much is because I never really know what a day with her with end up like; it is almost as if I need to expect the unexpected with her and I enjoy the thrill of it. In my earlier blogs I have spoke about how I want to go into events and I believe this connects to expecting the unexpected.

When planning an event you have to be very detail oriented and organized and I know I have these qualities, however, no matter how organized you are you never know how your event will turn out until it is actually over. You may know how you hope it will turn out but there's always a chance that something different may happen. That's is why you have to plan for "just-in-casers". For example, I may have only planned to go for a walk with my friend but just in case she wants to do something else I'll bring some extra money and my I.D.

Sometimes it's exciting to have a little change in your routine.

Sunday 12 February 2012


Last Sunday while watching the Super Bowl I started thinking about who else was watching and it reminded me of Groundswell's social technographics. Viewers are interacting with the Superbowl in different ways and advertisers are connecting with all of them!

To start off there are the Super Bowl Go-Toers; the ones who actually go to the game. These are the viewers who get to see the close up advertisements. The ones set up all around the venue, that those who watch the game may be unable to see or just not notice as much. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the attendees are given discounts on their tickets from different vendors.

The next viewers are the Super Bowl Watch-At-Home Fans; those who love the game but can't make it out to the actual venue. Advertisers hit them with the commercials that are football themed. I think this works because even though commercials take them away from the game they are still talking about the sport.

Third would be the Super Bowl No Choice; those that have no choice but to watch the game, may not even be a fan of the sport, but its the only thing on TV because others are watching it. That's where the commercials work that have absolutely nothing to do with sports; more general commercials, maybe comical, for the average person.

Fourth, Super Bowl Only Halftime Watcher; those who only tune in to the Super Bowl to watch the halftime show. For those who only watch the half time show advertisers provide, what I believe to be, the most exciting commercials that would most viewers would enjoy.

There are many more categories that I could probably include but I think it would go on forever. What category do you think you fit into? If I didn't list one tell me what you describe it as.

Friday 3 February 2012

Reality Check

On Monday I had my graduation photos taken and it suddenly clicked in ... I'm in my final semester of College and I'm going to be graduating soon. I became really excited but at the same time a little anxious and upset.

I became anxious because my entire College experience is coming to an end. I have enjoyed my time at SLC and I only hope that my future employment experiences are the same. I worked last year and recently began working again as the SLC Convocation Assistant. This is a position that is only given to students and I love every moment I spend working. I plan on continuing in the events field and I am a little upset that I cannot continue working this position as it is only given to students. However, even though this position will be ending I am happy to be able to use all the relevant experience I have gained in the future.

I was a little upset because I know that I will no longer be able to see all the people I have built relationships with at the college. A lot of my fellow classmates will be moving out of town and one of the benefits of being in college is you really get to know pretty much all of your classmates. I feel we have built up a little IMC family and I'm sad that it is coming to an end.

Even though I was feeling a little anxious and upset I know that graduation is just the end of one chapter of my life and I'm really excited for the next chapter to being.   

Thursday 26 January 2012

Something All My Own

TrendsTalk 2011, the first official un-conference by the third years of IMC.

Last semester I was given a grand opportunity - the chance to coordinate my very own event. If you have taken a look at my profile info you know that events are my passion and this was the real deal! From choosing a location to giving input on promotional pieces, I was there every step of the way helping TrendsTalk grow into the event I knew it could be.

Coordinating this event made me learn something, being an event planner is one of the most stressful and chaotic positions I've ever had ... but I loved every minute of it. There is no better feeling than planning an event and watching everything roll out on the big day. If you want to learn more about TrendsTalk take a look at the website at

After completing my program at St. Lawrence College I plan on continuing into the event field and I cannot wait for everything to get started. I haven’t yet decided what specific types I want to get into but in the mean time I’m getting as much experience as I can so that I’m prepared for the field.  

Friday 20 January 2012

Cell Phone or Security Blanket?

So I have been thinking a lot lately about how much I need my phone with me at all times and I thought I would write my first blog about it.

Do you check your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning? I do ... I have gotten in my head that while I was sleeping something terrible may have happened and I missed a text or phone call so I immediately need to check it when I wake up.

Throughout the day I constantly need to have my phone on me. Even if I don't use it once I still need to have it just incase someone is trying to contact me. I don't know if this is a "Mom thing" but the feeling is worse if I'm not in the same place as my daughter. I feel if I don't have my phone someone is probably calling me for some emergency. At my workplace you are not allowed to use your phone because texting is a problem, I don't text, but I need to have my phone on me to help me get through my shift without worrying something, somewhere has gone wrong and nobody and get in contact with me.

Okay so I may be overdoing it a bit but I bet others use their phones for security in other situations. Sitting in the doctor's office ... quiet ... awkward. I'm going to look at my phone just to look at it, just to make me feel like I have something to do and I'm not just sitting here awkwardly. Same thing sitting alone waiting at the bus stop, on the bus ... pretty much anywhere I'm sitting alone waiting.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way but what I'm wondering is it used more as a "security blanket" or more for specific cell phone reasons. I guess it would depend on the user but I would say I use mine 50:50. Maybe its time I start worrying a little less?