Friday 17 February 2012

A Change in Routine

Today a very good friend of mine is coming to visit me from out of town. In a way we have opposite personalities but I think that is why we get along so well. I like to have everything planned and sorted out before I do anything. My friend is a little different, she is the type of person who would take a bus not knowing where its even going just to see where she would end up.

The reason why I enjoy our friendship so much is because I never really know what a day with her with end up like; it is almost as if I need to expect the unexpected with her and I enjoy the thrill of it. In my earlier blogs I have spoke about how I want to go into events and I believe this connects to expecting the unexpected.

When planning an event you have to be very detail oriented and organized and I know I have these qualities, however, no matter how organized you are you never know how your event will turn out until it is actually over. You may know how you hope it will turn out but there's always a chance that something different may happen. That's is why you have to plan for "just-in-casers". For example, I may have only planned to go for a walk with my friend but just in case she wants to do something else I'll bring some extra money and my I.D.

Sometimes it's exciting to have a little change in your routine.

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