Friday 20 January 2012

Cell Phone or Security Blanket?

So I have been thinking a lot lately about how much I need my phone with me at all times and I thought I would write my first blog about it.

Do you check your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning? I do ... I have gotten in my head that while I was sleeping something terrible may have happened and I missed a text or phone call so I immediately need to check it when I wake up.

Throughout the day I constantly need to have my phone on me. Even if I don't use it once I still need to have it just incase someone is trying to contact me. I don't know if this is a "Mom thing" but the feeling is worse if I'm not in the same place as my daughter. I feel if I don't have my phone someone is probably calling me for some emergency. At my workplace you are not allowed to use your phone because texting is a problem, I don't text, but I need to have my phone on me to help me get through my shift without worrying something, somewhere has gone wrong and nobody and get in contact with me.

Okay so I may be overdoing it a bit but I bet others use their phones for security in other situations. Sitting in the doctor's office ... quiet ... awkward. I'm going to look at my phone just to look at it, just to make me feel like I have something to do and I'm not just sitting here awkwardly. Same thing sitting alone waiting at the bus stop, on the bus ... pretty much anywhere I'm sitting alone waiting.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way but what I'm wondering is it used more as a "security blanket" or more for specific cell phone reasons. I guess it would depend on the user but I would say I use mine 50:50. Maybe its time I start worrying a little less?   


  1. I know what you mean Shanika, if I leave my house without my cellphone I am pretty much distraught all day. I need it one me for the super important phone call, for sometime to do when I am bored. I know when I loose my cell I am just useless. Wishing I had my cell so I could call it and find it or use my FindIphone App to locate it, which is hilarious because it is gone.

    I think I am 70% Security Blanket and 30% Phone related/Important. Curious to see what a week without it would be like...

  2. Funny that you are curious to see what a week without your cell phone would be like because I have been thinking the same thing. A few days ago someone asked my what I would do if cell phones didn't exist and I explained to them that than I would not have this problem because I wouldn't even be thinking about having something that is nonexistent. However, I do think that I would have something else as a "replacement" security blanket if I didn't use my phone for a week.
